“Build A High-Impact, High-Profit Course, Coaching, or Expert Business With This HANDS-FREE Sales System”

The SIMPLE way to turn your business into an engine that automatically enrolls new clients, generates a massive impact & gives you freedom every day.

(NO sales calls, free live events, or exhausting 3x per day social posting required...)

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Real Thought Leaders, Real Results…

Want the lowdown on what it’s like to work with Jamie THE MARKETING NERD from serious business owners?

Hear from our past clients’ results and experiences:


What Got You Here, Won't Get You  There "

If you’re like most successful business owners I work with, you’re used to working hard. You've put in the time, energy and effort to get your business here - where it is today…

And it’s paid off!


Now there's 0 room on your calendar to do all those fun things like have friends, relax with your family, or go on a 2+ week vacation  without  sacrificing your revenue…

Picture your most time-consuming tasks running your business…

Every business has to:

Acquire Leads

Get in front of the right people & get them to raise their hand “YES, I want to work with you!”

Bag Clients

Make Offers that your Leads that converts them into clients

Continue Leveling-Up Clients

Deliver everything promised, get clients results, and deepen your relationship to make them new High-ticket Offers

The problem is, most businesses are YOU-driven…


YOU are at the center of it all, “making it happen”

Need more Sales? Better scramble to make it happen…

Need more Sales? Uh-oh, swerve to that…

Need to work with Clients? Your business, and sales start to fall apart without you.

If you stop running, the hamster wheel stops turning…

And so does your business.

It just doesn’t work… 

And if you’re trying to scale to multi-6 figures, $500,000+/year…

It definitely won’t get you there.

What if an invisible team of experts worked 24/7 turning Leads into Sales for you?

This invisible team never drops the ball…

They’re always available when you need them…

They don’t take vacations – or even sick days…

And they work for 0 salary…

Because your invisible team = 3 hands-free sales systems.

Together they form the ultimate hands-free profit machine: The $1M Blueprint Method

Instead of you carrying the weight of scaling your business on your shoulders - The $1M Blueprint Method takes care of the daily grind for you.

In a moment, I’ll give you a complete breakdown of The $1M Blueprint Method - but first let me introduce myself...


I help coaches, course creators, membership site owners, retreat organizers, speakers, podcasters, authors, consultants, and experts move out of the land of being busy, bonkers, and broke…

And skip directly to all the best things being a Business Owner has to offer: 

Time Freedom!

Unlimited Income!

Transforming Lives!

People have called me “The Guru’s Secret Weapon” because I’ve spent 6+ years behind the scenes working with some of the biggest + most successful internet influencers around…

Jay Shetty

Motivational Speaker and Author

Jake Paul

YouTuber and Boxer


Online Personal Development Platform

Gary Vee

CEO VaynerX & Bestselling Author

Cathy Woods

CEO Ark Invest

Nicole Walters

CEO Inherit Learing

Guess What I Discovered After Working  With These Mega-Influencers?

Working harder ≠ more success

“According to Huffington Post, successful people tend to wake up at 7am, based on the aggregate of the articles they could find. Gary Vaynerchuk? 6AM. Howard Schultz of Starbucks? 4:30am. Jack Dorsey? 5AM. None of these times actually matter, because getting up early is not actually an indicator of anything - there are plenty of people that wake up that early to go to one of the two jobs they have to have to pay rent…- Ed Zitron 

… Maybe next time 😮‍💨

It doesn't matter how talented you are, how much you hustle, or how many late nights you pull...

You can’t brute force your way to a profitable business.

If you don't do something NEW & more sustainable, you will always be  limited  by the number of hours in a day and what energy & effort YOU can squeeze out of them, day after day…

When you were beginning your business, you didn’t have any other choice… 

Now you do.

GREAT NEWS 🥳 You DON’T Need To Quit Your Business To Live Your Life…

We all have a limited amount of energy. There’s only 24 hours in a day, and we can NEVER create more - so your business’s growth can’t rely on that… 

I PROMISE you, my Mega-Influencer clients are not working harder than you… 

You have to “break the time barrier” by replacing yourself with systems that sell better than you, faster than you, that sell for you 24/7/365 - whether you’re there or not.

If you feel trapped by your business…

And like the quality of your client work, profitability, and maybe even your health is starting to suffer because you have too many plates spinning…

It's time to use the The $1M Blueprint Method to create a “flywheel effect” for your sales:

This will exponentially increase your “return on effort” because it replaces those pesky, most time & energy intensive parts of your business with these 3 hands-free sales systems:

Hands-free Sales System #1:

Effortless Influence Formula

  • NO MORE $0 Launches…
  • NO MORE trial and error or “Which messaging works?”...
  • Attract DREAM clients effortlessly, who are ready to pay what you’re worth and work with you long-term because your positioning commands premium prices…
  • Easily discover “what to say” that pushes your customer’s buy buttons…
  • A proven formula that has worked for hundreds of my private clients in dozens of different industries…
  • TEACH THIS to your marketers, virtual assistants, or team so they always create profitable messages for you…

Hands-free Sales System #2:

Lead to PAYING CLIENT Engine

  • ESCAPE the stressful “Live Launch” schedule…
  • Set the foundation for CONSISTENT REVENUE as you enjoy a steady flow of income from new clients who you’ve NEVER spoken to directly before…
  • Get your Offer in the hands of the people who need it most 24/7… 
  • Sell your programs and products without sales calls, or an expensive sales team…
  • Makes you sales today, AND consistent evergreen sales + sustainable revenue on repeat…
  • No DMing randos for hours… 

Hands-free Sales System #3:

Profitable Scaling Playbook 

  • Increase the Lifetime $$$ of every client with new, hands-free automated systems…
  • Get your OTHER Offers in front of those who don’t have it…
  • Learn how to get consistent visibility WITHOUT posting on social media - organic + paid strategies…
  • How to ensure you get hands-free sales 365 days per year - whether you show up or not…
  • How to free up more of your time + reduce your workload when you’re ready to hire a team…

All you have to do is set it, forget it, and enjoy the hands-free sales rolling in…

The best part is...
The $1M Blueprint Method starts selling for you in just  weeks 

You don’t have to wait until all the The $1M Blueprint Method systems are installed and integrated.

There’s no holding your breath until everything is perfect, and you’re 100% complete… 

You’ll start reclaiming your time, increasing your sales, and seeing results in your business in as little as 30 days - many of our clients do like -

The $1M Blueprint Method is made for real-world, in the trenches business owners.

Our clients are just like you - with obligations and responsibilities they can't put on hold like:

Bills to be paid

A business to run

Clients who need results

Family & relationships that deserve love + care

Not to mention a life to live!!

The $1M Blueprint Method removes TIME as a constraint on your sales, so you can take back control of your freedom.

Here's the big picture...

When you install the The $1M Blueprint Method:

Your Effortless Influence Formula delivers you consistent sales…

Your Lead to PAYING CLIENT Engine automatically enrolls clients hands-free - no sales calls.

Your Profitable Scaling Playbook helps you hit $50,000-$100,000+ months without endless content.

With all 3 systems installed, you’ll have a “self-selling” business:

As you can see - The $1M Blueprint Method isn't a tactic. 

It’s a way of doing business & life that gives you… 

The Freedom To Live YOUR Multi-6 Figure Life:

  • Wake up when YOU’RE ready…
  • NO Sales Calls…
  • NO social media posting treadmill…
  • STOP being too busy, tired, and stressed to live your life…
  • Drop $10,000+ in 1 day to clear your credit card debts no problem…
  • FINALLY take a 2 week vacation… (Or THREE 2 week vacations - like I did this year…)
  • BE THERE as a parent for your family, a partner for your love, and a rock for your friends…

These are the things I do every day, I help my clients do every day, and I’d love to help you do too.

The $1M Blueprint Method allows YOU to make your business  not  just a passion,  not  just something that you do, but a profitable business that transforms more lives, makes a bigger impact, and generates sales 24/7/365…

All while you live your best life 😃


Hands-free sales gives you freedom.


$1M Blueprint Accelerator

Turn your business into a hands-free sales machine that automatically enrolls new clients, transforms more lives, and gives you freedom every day.

As a client, you’ll create a Self-Selling Business with…

The Freedom To Live YOUR Multi-6 Figure Life:

  • TIME FREEDOM: get back control of your schedule…
  • MOMENTUM: Wake up with energy, excited to work on your business…
  • PEACE: Finally have the space to be the BEST version of you for your loved ones…
  • Your calendar – and your mind – FREE from sales calls…
  • Every step of scaling your business getting easier as you go…
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Build A High-Impact, High-Profit Course, Coaching, or Expert Business With This HANDS-FREE Sales System…

Enroll in $1M Blueprint Accelerator to get instant access to everything you need to build a self-selling business, including...

12-Month Access To $1M Blueprint Method™ Training & Templates

STOP wasting all that mental energy weeding through endless tactics + “shiny objects” trying to get more clients. Within minutes of enrolling, you'll get instant access to our library of resources teaching you the simple, practical steps to install the $1M Blueprint Method into your business – so you can wake up every day to time flexibility, and new $$$ deposits.

3x Monthly LIVE Support w/ Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD

You are NOT alone anymore. Stop making mistakes, and wasting time because “you don’t know what you don’t know”. As your mentor, I’m here to help you gain momentum through hotseats, answering your questions, and helping you remove your biggest bottlenecks choking your success. Join us today, and get into the LIVE calls with us this week.

Personal $1M Blueprint Method™ Implementation Reviews & Feedback

NEVER wonder, “Am I doing it right?” YOU are able to submit what you create in the $1M Blueprint Accelerator for personal review by our team every step of the way. After following the step-by-step trainings, and getting your questions answered during our live calls, this feedback will be the final piece of the puzzle to get your self-selling systems up & running.

Private Mastermind Community & Forum

Being a heart-driven entrepreneur doesn’t have to be lonely. You will gain a wonderfully supportive family made up of other ambitious 6 & 7 Figure business owners waiting to welcome you with open arms. We can’t wait to cheer you on, celebrate your wins, lift you out of struggle, inspire you, motivate you, and COLLABORATE together! If “your network is your net worth”, then you’re about to discover your “best kept secret” in our lovely private mastermind.

But that’s just the start of what you get by joining   $1M Blueprint Accelerator:

When you enroll today, you’ll also get these powerful bonuses included to help you increase your sales 10x faster…

BONUS #1: 1 Private Onboarding Call w/ Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD

You’ll get the needle moving FAST in your business because your Accelerator experience kicks off with a private onboarding session with your Lead Instructor,   Jamie THE MARKETING NERD. You’ll leave knowing exactly where to dive in & what to focus on to get some quick wins right off the bat.

BONUS #2: Self-Selling Template + SOPs & Directions Vault  (Marketing Nerd Library)

Save your tears, and hundreds of hours of headaches. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Success leaves clues - and we’re ready to hand you the blueprint. Your membership includes the   Marketing Nerd Library   which will give you scripts, templates, examples of profitable marketing, and ALL my products + trainings + books. It's my way of making sure that you don't bring your momentum to a screeching halt when you need to figure out stuff outside your zone of genius.

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You DON’T Have to “Choose” Between Passion or Income, and you DON’T Have to be Burnt Out to Transform Lives With Your Business…

You can change all of that today by joining the    $1M Blueprint Accelerator   so you can start living your hands-free, self-selling life…

So go ahead and…

Enroll in

$1M Blueprint Accelerator

Choose the option that's right for you…

Best Value - Save $4,000!

Pay In Full

Enroll Today & Get:

  • 12-Month Access To The $1M Blueprint Method™ Training & Exercises
  • 3x Monthly Coaching with Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD
  • Personalized $1M Blueprint Method Implementation Reviews & Feedback
  • Private Mastermind Community & Forum w/ Ambitious 6-7 Fig Earners
  • Bonus #1: 1 Private Onboarding Call w/ Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD
  • Bonus #2: Self-Selling Template + SOPs & Directions Vault (Marketing Nerd Library) Including scripts, templates, and examples so you NEVER REINVENT THE WHEEL and so you can get your self-selling systems set up ASAP…
  • Pay-In-Full Bonus #3: Save $4,000 (28.6% off)

1 payment of $9,999

If you can't make a one-time payment due to card limits, or prefer to use multiple cards, we have an option to split this up as 2-3 transactions. Please email us for that link.

Monthly Installments

Enroll Today & Get:

  • 12-Month Access To The $1M Blueprint Method™ Training & Exercises
  • 3x Monthly Coaching with Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD
  • Personalized $1M Blueprint Method Implementation Reviews & Feedback
  • Private Mastermind Community & Forum w/ Ambitious 6-7 Fig Earners
  • Bonus #1: 1 Private Onboarding Call w/ Lead Instructor Jamie THE MARKETING NERD
  • Bonus #2: Self-Selling Template + SOPs & Directions Vault (Marketing Nerd Library) Including scripts, templates, and examples so you NEVER REINVENT THE WHEEL and so you can get your self-selling systems set up ASAP…

12 payments of $1,166.59

If you decide to enroll with the installment plan, you are still 100% responsible for making all 12 payments. We are offering this option as a courtesy, and enrolling in this plan is a contract for a 12-month commitment to make all 12 payments. This is not a membership that can be canceled.


There's simply NO reason to hustle, scrape by, and struggle alone anymore…

Instead, join an incredible group of heart-centered 6, multiple-6, and 7-figure coaches, course creators, experts & consultants giving themselves MORE freedom by building “self-selling businesses” with the   $1M Blueprint Method.

Real Thought Leaders, Real Results...

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is $1M Blueprint Accelerator™ for me?

The $1M Blueprint Accelerator is specifically designed for what we call “Expert & Knowledge Businesses”.

That means it’s perfect for:

  • Course Creators
  • Course Creators
  • Consulting
  • Coaches (ANY programs - 1:1, group, hybrid, etc.)
  • Membership Website
  • Paid Communities or Networking Groups
  • Retreat/Mastermind Organizers
  • Public Speakers
  • Paid Newsletters
  • Authors
  • Podcasters
  • Youtubers
  • Creators
  • Agency Owners (looking to add earlier steps to DFY services OR who work with clients above)

If the goal of YOUR business is to transfer knowledge to someone to create change in any way, YOU are the perfect fit for the $1M Blueprint Accelerator.

The $1M Blueprint Method will work for ANY INDUSTRY of the above business models.

This program is NOT a good fit for you if your business is:

  • Brick & Mortar
  • Ecommerce
  • Professional Services
  • Real Estate PROPERTIES (teaching about real estate = good fit)
  • Insurance POLICIES (teaching about insurance = good fit) 
  • Financial VEHICLES (teaching about finances = good fit)
  • Applications or Software
  • Clothing
  • Restaurants
  • “Local Businesses” (eg shops, or service providers who work with homeowners) 

How much time do I need to invest?

Implementing the $1M Blueprint Method hands-free sales systems is all about putting in a little bit of work upfront, to reap the rewards on repeat after you turn it on. 

Wrapping your brain around the system for the first time will take you a few hours of investment, it could be as fast as a weekend or take longer depending on how quickly you work through the material. 

Creating your first system can be done in as soon as 1 week! 

The $1M Blueprint Method is made for real-world, in the trenches business owners. Our clients are just like you - with obligations and responsibilities they can't put on hold like:
  • Bills to be paid
  • A business to run
  • Clients who need results
  • Family & relationships that deserve love + care
  • Not to mention a life to live!! 

How fast will I see results?

The $1M Blueprint Method starts selling for you in just weeks.

You don’t have to wait until all the The $1M Blueprint Method systems are installed and integrated.

There’s no holding your breath until everything is perfect, and you’re 100% complete… 

You’ll start reclaiming your time, increasing your sales, and seeing results in your business in as little as 30 days - many of our clients do!

Will this work for my niche/industry?

YES, the $1M Blueprint Method will work in ANY INDUSTRY of these business models:

  • Course Creators
  • Coaches
  • Membership Website owners
  • Retreat/Mastermind Organizers
  • Public Speakers 
  • Authors
  • Podcasters
  • Youtubers
  • Creators
  • Agency Owners (looking to add earlier steps to DFY services OR who work with clients above)  
  • Consulting

How do I sign up?

Jump to Section Example Click here to enroll today!

...more questions?

Email us, choose a time here for a quick call. I'm happy to help 🙂

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Imagine NO sales calls… 

Imagine your life with time freedom… 

Imagine being location independent…

Imagine the lives you can transform… 

Imagine tapping into your full potential… 

Imagine finally being able to pour your heart into your relationships with friends and family again…

You DESERVE to live your incredible life.


Full Disclosure…

"Simple" doesn't mean easy.

The $1M Blueprint Method isn’t some kind of “Instant Millionaire - Just Add Water!” snake oil.

You’re not going to be lazily watching your bank account grow on the beach, drink in hand…

Without putting the work in first.

This is a way for you to: 

AVOID spending 1 more year, or even even another week, overwhelmed and trapped because you know there's more for you and your business - but you don't know how to get there…

It’s a way for you to serve more clients, make more $$$, and MOST IMPORTANTLY TRANSFORM MORE LIVES…

While  still  having the time for the things you love.

Have your cake and eat it too 🍰

We created the $1M Blueprint Method  to help coaches, course creators, experts and consultants 2x their revenue in under 1 year.


Growing IS the only option if this is more than “just a business” to you...

Because if your business isn’t growing - it’s dying.

It’s a way to do right by yourself, your business, your clients, your family, your dreams, your mission, and your life…

So it makes sense that you have a few non-negotiable values:

Your Biz Will Still Have Heart❤️

You NEVER “have” to sell out. 

Building a cold money machine was never your goal - and I’m not telling you that you need to start.

Your business has soul.

And that’s something you will never have to change following the $1M Blueprint Method.

In fact, your business’s soul will become your greatest strength…

You WON’T Sacrifice Your Life🌟

Your business should support your life. 

NOT the other way around.

“Entrepreneur” isn’t the only important role you have… 

It’s time for your friends, family, and your life to stop being held hostage by your business…

NO SCUMMY, Scammy Tactics🙏

You NEVER “have” to go against your morals or values.

Pushy sales tactics, fake scarcity, and slimy techniques make you cringe. 

That’s NOT “you”... 

That’s something you will never have to change following the $1M Blueprint Method.

THIS is how your marketing & sales tactics can be profitable without scammy tactics…

The $1M Blueprint Method doesn’t  require ANY of the above - it’s a simple, effective, and predictable way to...

Transform your clients’ lives  without  missing out on YOUR life.

If you’re ready for a new way to run your business that gives you the life, freedom, and flexibility you DESERVE…

Welcome home, friend.

 $1M Blueprint Accelerator™

is your place to:





Join now & let's make it happen together 💜

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...more questions?

Email us, choose a time here for a quick call. I'm happy to help 🙂

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